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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Food for the soul

We spent the better part of our Sunday at the
Violin & Violoncello Competitions.
E took part in his first ever String competition and did very well, getting a good placing and lots of extra encouragement afterwards. He made his instrument sing and I've listened to the DVD countless times, just wondering at the difference between what he does at home for his practices, and how he manages to pull it all together on the day!
Every instrument has a quality which allows it to imprint
its signature onto music.
The brass have their golden tones,
the guitars their lyrical finesse,
the woodwind their wistful tranquility.
All instruments have the ability to evoke deep expression and beauty.
However, it is the Strings which are able to hold a note so intensely, that it feels like there is a direct connection to one's innermost being!
I don't think any other instrument can emulate the human voice or convey poignancy of emotion quite like the Strings.
I love both the 'cello and violin when played well.
(When played badly, it evokes quite a different sensation!!)
Someone (probably famous and probably dead) once said,
"Music is what feelings sound like".
It was a treat for the soul to sit and listen
to these talented young musicians playing with passion and skill.

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