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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

At the risk of unceremonious incarceration...

I thought that with the end of the year being nigh, I would take the great liberty of sharing a lunchtime snapshot of what 'the ladies' get up to! Actually, it was Super Sal's birthday.....but y'know how it goes - any excuse for a feed! I ate so much that I was accused of being a wee piglet (by one who should know better! I am, after all, a growing lass....).
Perhaps it was telling that I couldn't finish my dinner that evening....and then I awoke at 2:15am feeling like a Slobby Sharpei! One day, my family will thank me for this.... but my nightmares of round rolls got the better of me, and at 6am, I dragged the lot of them outta bed to go for a 4 km brisk walk in the early morning air! My husband was so shocked at this uncharacteristic turn of events, that there were no complaints from him (despite the fact that I'd woken him up at about 4am because i needed some company....)!
And now I'm tired and there's still SO much to do.


Anonymous said...

Believe ME when I say that - these ladies are a wonderful group to grow older and very much the wiser with. A group to share laughter, food, tears, event plotting (undercover for each other but each other knows there's something going on), stress, children worries but most of all time. This group will NEVER truely know what they have sown into my life, thank you. S

Ange of the North said...

Is that actually a photo of YOU? I can hardly believe it!!!
I would love to get together with you and your NZ pals some time - looks like tons of fun!
Enjoy the busyness!

Southern Ange said...

Yes..that IS a photo of me but it's my best view. So that's allowable....just! And yep - those gals are great. You should see them in wigs and boas....truly eye-boggling!!! :-)

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