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Monday, January 5, 2009

I have some happy, happy news on this, the last day of Christmas Break.
School is closed Monday and Tuesday!!! I could hardly dare to hope, but it's true! I know that most other teachers in the city will have to grit their teeth and make their way back tomorrow, but because ours is such a commuter school, and because the neighbourhood roads are such a mess, it would be a nightmare to add a couple hundred extra cars trying to drop off children on unplowed streets with nowhere to pull over and layers of ice and snow under many summer tires. Not to mention the lack of plowed parking spots for teachers!

It has been snowing like crazy here -again- for the past six hours, although at the bottom of our hill, the snow has turned to rain. That's the kind of thing we're more used to, which makes it so unusual to have all this snow! This is what our front yard looks like now. And this is how the snow looks, falling from the sky. For all you summer people.
I'm thinking about a word. Ali Edwards, one of my sources of inspiration, recently wrote a post about One Little Word 2009. "A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow." I love that. So I'm contemplating and pondering a word to hold up for myself this year. A word that can help shape my focus and direction and remind me of... what I need to remember! If you have a special word for yourself, leave a comment and share it with us. I'll let you know when I've decided on mine.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Ooohh...I read the whole post by A.E too and have been trying to think of a word as well. Will be pondering over the next couple days.

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