Sometimes the words flow…and sometimes, there’s just not enough energy to do the flow thing. A full week.
Here are just 10 wee peeks into the week that has been (or at least, moments when I have had a camera on me!) :
New ventures…
Hanging out…
NONE of you are wearing thick jackets or woollen hats. I can send up snow, hail and cold winds if you'd like! Missing you all, will miss you even more in a month. SM
Hey SM,
It's true what the weather people have said though - we've gone straight from summer into winter without an autumn to ease us in! Beautiful clear days, and sunny, but BRRRRRR....we've had the electric blanket on and all heaters on BLAST! L told us that in his classroom with all the heaters going yesterday, it only registered 17degs C! The boys all had cold knees! I thought of you all in the Deep South with a windchill factor of .....-7degs C! OOOOOOooooooooh.
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