Well, the Prodigal Blogger has returned.
It has been quite a long time since I showed my face around here! (Not that you'll be seeing my face today...)
It's not that my heart wasn't yearning to tap away on the keyboard and share the latest with you. On the contrary, I was burning to be back.
Really, it's been all about school. And photos, of course. What I mean is that I was working on the school yearbook (once I finished Ellen's slide show - which should have been an ominous warning to me about the propensity of certain teachers to not pass on the photos I had repeatedly begged for...).
This is where I lived for weeks. Every waking moment.
Today, we (figuratively) pulled out the old pool and the old rotten half of the deck. It's all ready to replace, now; I hope we get the new pool installed before summer really kicks in!
If you're anything like me, certain songs and albums are forever linked with times of my life. For example, I always think of you, Southern Ange, in relation to the Eagles. Just because we watched their live DVD together. Coldplay reminds me of the time I took a summer course and listened to nothing but them as I wrote papers. This late spring will always be flavoured by two CDs I bought last month and have greatly enjoyed; I'd like to share with you a song from each one. Or you can listen to all of them on their My Space pages!
Broken Bells just released their album in December and I am so taken with them. They have a slightly edgy sound, not top 40 teenybopper pop material. My favourite song on the disc is "The Ghost Inside". My other current flame is Owl City, a very different band - actually a guy who makes much of the music by himself and who has an upbeat, electronica/dance sound and fun, clever lyrics. I love "Meteor Shower" - so short, but says so much (it's not on the My Space page, but check out "Fireflies").
So, that's it in a nutshell. I have a very short window of time before I have to hibernate again and write report cards. We have just two more weeks with students, then another week of cleaning, reports, meetings, and other wonderful stuff. And then, freedom!
How lovely to see you back again A-of-the-N ! Unfortunately, I too must apologise for being somewhat absent of late. There is however, light at the end of the tunnel, and hopefully, 'tis not another train (as someone suggested!) :) I couldn't open the music links - most disappointing. It is late here and I must make tracks to my favourite place (bed) before I turn into something more wrinkly and unedifying than I care to think about. So I will search for them tomorrow. What kind of pool are you installing in that big canyon in yon backyard? Can't believe you're nearly at the end of your school year!!! So odd, when we're just mid year....Go well! xo
Sigh. Youtube links don't seem to be very successful between my place and yours. I changed the links to My Space pages; you won't get straight to the songs, but each band has a player where you can listen to a variety of songs. Except not Meteor Shower. Too bad. But I'm sure it's somewhere!
I hope the new links work for you!
Owl City will be playing in Brisbane on Nov 11! How cool is that!
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