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Monday, October 5, 2009

The Downhill Run

P1130734 Today, we’re back to school for the last 8 weeks of the school year! It’s a quick, downhill run from hereon in. I’m not ready. I was just getting used to 2009!


The holidays were fast. As expected. So much to fit into just 2 weeks!

There are many things I like about this land. I know I’ve mentioned it many times before, but the constantly perfect weather remains a favourite reason. Winter/Autumn/Spring in this state is one perfect, blue, sunny day after another…..bar the odd dust storm every few years, and a few hours of drizzle every few months! And balmy temperatures. My boys have spent so much time in the water these holidays, they have turned into brown bunnies. Summer does have us worried though….the mercury is already high and it’s only the start of Spring! This weekend saw us in temperatures of 32degsC! We succumbed and gave our airconditioners their first airing of the year. But the best thing about the weather here is that it does mean that our overseas guests are almost guaranteed great weather every day…


Another plus, is the abundance of delicious tropical fruit. Mmmmmm.


We discovered “Chocolate Fruit” (best eaten with ice cream…and yes, it does taste like a mild chocolate!),


Pitayas (very refreshing passionfruit sorbet type flavour), Canistel (described as similar to eating “Playdough” !), Custard Apples (very sweet, soft flesh with inedible pips which contrain trace elements of arsenic), Jackfruit (refreshing!) etc. However, the Mango is always unbeatable and remains a firm favourite in our household. Mango season has begun and we are enjoying being able to share this tangy, smooth fruit with anyone who will eat it with us!


One of the definite highlights from these holidays, has been time spent with friends and various groups of overseas visitors. Though there is always the sad reminder that we cannot spend time with our (overseas) friends on a day-to-day basis, there is the invaluable opportunity to spend good quality time together when friends come to visit. It is a wonderful thing!


Time to raid the fridge for some melon….



betty-NZ said...

Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog. It's nice to know I'm not just expecting too much! What part of NZ are you from? We haven't made it to spring here in Taranaki, as I'm sure you heard a few days ago about the worst snow on Desert Road in 25 years!

Ange of the North said...

Oh.... it's looking like paradise. So funny that you're enjoying spring, just as we're into fall here.
I've just been remembering your trip to Vancouver 2 years ago. Come back!!

Southern Ange said...

Ange of the North - your comment got me thinking - it HAS been 2 years! Wow! I revisited my photos just for nostalgia's sake...xo

BettyL - We've lived in various places throughout NZ but our latest foray was in Auckland. Hmmm...I've just realised that I probably need to change my profile description since we have recently moved across the Tasman Ditch, and my photos probably don't make sense! I was so excited to read your posting - it confirmed what we'd always suspected and reassuring to hear that we aren't the only ones who think that way! Must dialogue further with you sometime.

Kerrie said...

Hey Ange, glad you are enjoying these balmy days, wasn't it nice to have a cooler morning today, i'm not ready for scorching days xx

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